The Kentucky House passed a bill on Wednesday which will limit the price of insulin. House Bill 12 would cap the cost at just $100 per thirty-day prescription, regardless of the amount of insulin needed to fill a person’s prescription. Over 50 legislators sponsored the bill, and it passed the house with 92 yeas to zero nays, and six who did not vote. If the bill passes, Kentucky will be the third state to set this cap on insulin prices.
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The Hardin County Board of Education will vote tonight at their regularly scheduled board meeting on the merger agreement with West Point Independent Schools. Should the vote pass the Hardin County Board, it will continue on to the Kentucky Department of Education, where it will undergo approval processes, and then it will go into effect. As previously reported, the West Point Independent School district voted unanimously to sign the merger agreement with Hardin County Schools. This is a process that began with a management audit at West Point Independent Schools last summer.
At a press conference held yesterday afternoon, Officers Chase and Nicole McKeown, with the Elizabethtown Police Department were recognized for their efforts in thwarting a robbery at a Louisville restaurant. The two officers were off duty and dining at Raisin’ Canes in Louisville when a masked robber, later identified as Justin Carter of Louisville, walked into the location and brandished a handgun to the cashier. The officers pulled their off-duty pistols and chased the suspect out of the store and to the back of a nearby house, where they held him until Louisville Metro Police arrived. The case is still open and under investigation.
The Superintendent of Elizabethtown Independent Schools, Jon Ballard announced his retirement last night. Ballard says after 33 years with the district, the last seven being as superintendent, he felt it was time to move on in his life, and let someone else come in to help advance the school. Ballard also says the thing he is proudest of in his time as superintendent is providing opportunities, be they academic or athletic, for students.
The Nelson County Sheriff’s Office has determined the cause of death in a case regarding a female located in a field. According to a release from the department, the body of Mary Teresa Ball of Bardstown was found in a field off of Sullivan Lane in Bardstown on December 26th. The cause of death determined by the office of the Chief Medical Examiners has been ruled suicide by an overdose of an over-the-counter sleeping medication. This closes the case, and no charges are expected to be filed by the Sheriff’s Office.