While Easter Sunday was different for many this year, it was business as usual for one church in Bullitt County. Maryville Baptist in Hillview continued to hold gatherings Sunday, weeks after Governor Beshear called for all mass gatherings across the state to cease. On Sunday, Kentucky State Police troopers were in the parking lot of the church collecting license plate numbers, which will be used to find those who attended and have them self-quarantine for 14 days. Last week, the Kentucky Cabinet of Health and Family Services sent an enforcement notice to the church, calling on them to cease gatherings immediately.
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In his evening press conference last night, Governor Andy Beshear announced that there are now 1,963 cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth. Of these cases, 134 were newly confirmed. Also of these cases, 607 have recovered from the virus. However, there were three new deaths reported last night, bringing the state’s total to 97. The Governor announced a partnership last night that will greatly expand the testing capability in Kentucky. Kroger is partnering with state government in an effort to test up to 20,000 people statewide over the next five weeks. This would almost double the amount of tests done so far. Kroger is providing the medical personnel, personal protective equipment, and sign-up portal for those to register. This is a drive-thru testing site, the first of which will open in Franklin County. The Governor says he hopes to announce three more sites in the next two weeks. These tests are for those with symptoms, health care workers, first responders, those aged 65 and older, and those with chronic health conditions. Test results will be expected within approximately 48 hours with the new site. Kentuckians who are eligible can register online at thelittleclinic.com/drivethru-testing.
The Lincoln Trail District Health Department has announced that there are currently 48 cases of COVID-19 in their service area. The breakdown of cases is as follows: 22 in Hardin, two in Larue, ten in Marion, two in Meade, nine in Nelson, and three in Washington. However, despite all the negativity, the department is doing their best to share the positive things happening as well. Public Health Director Sarah Jo Best noted that the majority of those with the virus have been able to isolate at home, not having to go to a hospital. In addition, there are some who are actively recovering from the virus and being released from quarantine. The department continues to urge residents to practice safe social distancing and to follow the Governor’s ten-step plan.
Fort Knox is making the public aware of a change in policy currently on post. Beginning today, anyone visiting a public or shopping facility on post is required to wear a face covering at all times. This includes the visitor center, post office, and Lindsey Golf Course Pro Shop among others. The health code on post currently is “Charlie”.
The Larue County Sheriff’s Office is asking for the public’s assistance in locating two missing teens. 16-year-old Taylor Flatt and 17-year-old Cole Roberts have been reported missing by their families. It is possible that the two missing juveniles are together. Information on the whereabouts of Taylor or Cole should be directed to the Larue County Sheriff’s Office or other local authorities. Photos of the two are available to view on the Larue County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page.