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5/12/2020- COVID-19 testing begins in Hardin County

COVID-19 testing will begin today in Hardin County. John Hardin High School will be the location of the testing, which is a result of the partnership between the state and Kroger. Susan Dunlap, Executive Director with the State Cabinet for Health and Family Services, says that the entire process can take around ten minutes to complete, and is simple. Testing at John Hardin will take place from 8:30 AM to 5:30 PM until Thursday. Signups for testing can be found online at

5/12/2020- Kentucky Gives Day is today

Kentucky Gives Day, a 24-hour giving event for non-profits in the area, is today and Central Kentucky Community Foundation spokesperson Gina Clear says that the day is perfectly set up for this time of social distancing. The participating non-profits can be seen at The event began at midnight this morning, and will continue until 11:59 PM tonight. There are 22 regional non-profit organizations registered to participate in Kentucky Gives Day this year.

5/12/2020- Health Department numbers

Both Hardin and Nelson County each saw a new case of COVID-19 yesterday. The Lincoln Trail District Health Department announced a total number of 135 cases in their region, an increase of two cases from the previous day. Hardin County’s total now sits at 59 positive cases. 102 patients within the district have recovered from the virus, 21 are currently in home isolation, and only eight are hospitalized.

5/12/2020- Focus is on testing

In his evening press conference last night, Governor Andy Beshear announced that there are now 6,677 cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth. Of these cases, 141 were confirmed on Sunday, and 105 were confirmed Monday. It is believed that 2,335 Kentuckians have recovered from the virus, however there were a total of seven new deaths reported over the last two days, bringing the state’s total to 311. Governor Beshear urged an emphasis on testing as the state moves forward with gradual reopening. The Governor specifically mentioned the Corbin area testing site as one with many spots still available. Governor Beshear has stressed on multiple occasions how important taking advantage of testing will be as part of being Healthy at Work.

5/11/2020- Hardin County Fair cancelled

One of Hardin County’s most prominent summertime events has been cancelled. The Hardin County Fair has announced that the board voted to cancel the fair this past week in relation to the COVID-19 pandemic. In a Facebook post, the Board decided on their course of action after reviewing current and future health guidelines for organizations to follow. The Fair Board will work with local youth organizations to help them compete for state showcases and contests. The fair has taken place in the county since 1885.