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HMH enters final day before merger

At times, it has seemed like it was years away, but the day is finally here.

Hardin Memorial Health’s final day of operation is today. The health care provider is finally merging with Baptist Health effective tomorrow. Over the past several weeks, signage and logos have already been changed to reflect the new ownership, which Hospital President and CEO Dennis Johnson says has a bright future.

President and CEO Dennis Johnson

The merger was originally scheduled to happen in December before it was moved up to September 1st. Hardin Memorial has served the community since its inception in 1954.

HCS adds COVID webpage to track district’s cases

There have been 6 positive cases of COVID-19 after one week of Hardin County Schools reopening. The district first announced the first case, a student at North Park, Friday afternoon. Later that night, another case, this time at Central Hardin High School, was announced, though officials say the student was never on campus. Regardless, the district has now created a daily reporting webpage on the district’s website to track the cases. 

HCS Spokesperson John Wright

Other schools with cases include G-C Burkhead, as well as East and West Hardin Middle Schools. 

Local businesses, destinations take home honors in Kentucky Living contest

Kentucky Living’s Best of Kentucky contest winners were announced this past week, and many local businesses and destinations took home the top prizes. In the category of best Farmers Market, the Hardin County’s Farmers Market was voted the best in the state. 

Market Manager Autumn Milliner

Many Hodgenville attractions and destinations were awarded honors from the publication. The Abraham Lincoln Birthplace National Park was named the best historic site in the state.

Park Chief of Interpretation Stacy Humpherys

Other local winners included Hinton’s Orchard. 

EIS Board of Education to revisit topic of in-person instruction tonight

Elizabethtown students and parents might just know for sure tonight when they will return to in-person instruction. A special meeting to discuss reopening schools is set for 6 o’clock tonight. 

Superintendent Kelli Bush

Unlike meetings in recent memory, tonight’s is open to the public; however, limited seats will be available. The meeting will be streamed on the Elizabethtown Independent Facebook page for those not able to attend.