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EPD: Man arrested after weekend incident

Elizabethtown authorities arrested a man over the weekend after he allegedly threatened other, as well as kicked an officer.

According to arrest citations, a call came through to Elizabethtown Police, but the problem was unknown, as the caller hung up. Dispatch advised that a man could be heard yelling in the background upon callback. When officers arrived, a man pointed out that another man, later found to be Chase Nettles, was shouting in the street while allegedly holding a gun. Nettles was confronted, and he began to approach the police car in a confrontational manner. Nettles was placed in handcuffs, struggling against the arrest the entire time. When placed in the cruiser, Nettles retaliated violently, allegedly kicking an officer in the head and chest. A hobble was placed around his ankles to prevent further outbursts, however Nettles repeatedly threatened the wellbeing of officers while being transported to the detention center.

Nettles is charged with assault, resisting arrest, disorderly conduct, and menacing.

Bruins back out on the field after being sidelined by quarantine

After being sidelined for two weeks, Central Hardin’s football team is back on the field. The program had undergone quarantine for a period of two weeks after a member of the team tested positive for covid-19. When the district announced the case two weeks ago, spokesperson John Wright emphasized that the situation was not any one person’s fault.

The team missed two away games during that period–at Henry Clay and Butler. The Bruins will resume their season this Friday at home against Barren County.

President Trump back at WH after stay in hospital

After spending the weekend in the hospital with covid-19, President Donald Trump returned to the White House yesterday.

The President left Walter Reed Medical Center after a 3 day stay to undergo treatment for the virus. In a tweet, the President thanked doctors for the treatments, saying that he felt much better. First Lady Melania Trump is also recovering from the virus at the White House. Several Trump administration officials have come forward with positive test results, including Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

Abound partners with HCS for 5th grade financial literacy

A local financial institution has partnered with Hardin County Schools for financial literacy.

This fall, fifth grade students across the Hardin County School system will take part in financial literacy classes through Abound Credit Union. The financial institute implemented it’s services in the spring through online activities and assignments. Officials within the district say the the program for 5th graders is helpful, considering that financial education is already required for students as they continue on with their education, as well as already being required at the high school level.

The pilot program, which took place this past spring, involved only 3 schools.