With a few strokes of a pen and a congratulatory elbow bump, the sale of Hardin Memorial to Baptist Health was complete. The finalization of the years-long deal was capped off with a ceremony Tuesday morning in front of Baptist Health Hardin.
Baptist Health CEO Gerald Colman painted a bright future for the newly-christened hospital, alluding to expansions and developments in the near future.
The Asset Purchase Agreement calls for Baptist to invest $235 million in capital and operating investments over a 10 year period. Collectively, the deal calls for $361.4 million in payments and future investments.
A quick look at the state of Kentucky’s COVID-19 school data would show that Hardin County Schools has 10 active cases. But in reality, the district has only 6 active cases.
As a result of the discrepancies, officials with Hardin County Schools are trying to direct attention to their own website, which they say is more up to date than the state’s data.
The issue in question comes from whether or not some of the active cases are from in-person students, or online learning.
That is, those who have never been on a school campus this year.
Wright says the district’s website provides that information, unlike the state’s.
The state’s website includes a tally of a district’s total number of cases, but isn’t clear on which cases were in-person or not. Updated information can be found daily on the Hardin County Schools website.
After a low number of cases on Monday, Tuesday’s numbers resumed where they usually are, with just over 800 cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth.
Governor Beshear announced the new cases yesterday, in addition to the 15 new deaths that were reported Tuesday. Locally, the Lincoln Trail District Health Department confirmed the presence of 13 new cases in Hardin county. LaRue county reported 4, and Meade county reported 2. The department has 240 home isolations and 11 patients in the hospital at this time.
With Tommy Turner’s retirement as the Judge/Executive of LaRue County, it is now up to the Governor to appointment a person to take over the position until the next election.
Turner says that if an appointment is not made by next Tuesday’s Fiscal Court meeting, then the magistrates will vote amongst themselves who will temporarily lead until an appointment. Turner has served in the role of Judge/Executive for 35 years.