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My Bloody Valentine // Showtime #76

At theaters now is “Land”, also opening today is “Fear of Rain”. The Crowne Pointe Theater is showing some older movies for the Valentine season!  “5o First Dates”, “The Notebook”, and the original 1981 version of the horror flick “My Bloody Valentine”.

New DVD’s and Blu-rays this week are “Greenland”, “Freaky”, and “The Little Prince”.

Have a great weekend, and happy Valentine’s Day!

Earwigs // Showtime #75

This first weekend of February brings with it more new movies!

Opening in theaters today is “Earwig and the Witch”. This family friendly animated feature follows the story of an orphan girl, earwig, who is adopted by a witch and comes home to a spooky house filled with mystery and magic.

New Blu-rays and DVD’s include “Let Him Go”, “Shadow in the Cloud, and “Wild Mountain Thyme”.

Make it a great weekend, and enjoy!

The Little Things // Showtime #74

As we’re about to wrap up this last weekend of January, new movies have arrived at theaters, starting with “The Little Things”.

New Blu-ray and DVD releases include “Come Play”, “Synchronic”, “Belushi”, “The Empty Man”, and “Fatman” starring Mel Gibson.

Enjoy this last weekend of January with a movie!