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Praise & Shine: Fighting Life’s Dragons

Have you ever fought a dragon? “Dragons” are the supersized dangers and frailties of life that we’re inadequate to fight alone.

But in those battles, we have a champion. Not a fairy tale champion—the ultimate champion who has fought on our behalf and conquered the dragons that seek to destroy us.

What “dragons” are you facing in life? How can Christ’s victory on the cross provide encouragement as you deal with them?

Praise & Shine: Thank You

It is easy to sometimes forget how many blessings we have in our lives. Our lives are filed with friends and family who care deeply for us.

Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Life is not always easy, perfect or peaceful. But we can always have a heart full of thankfulness if we remember who gives us reasons to be thankful.

Praise & Shine: Now Then, Next

The book of Proverbs makes many pointed statements about how to live—now. For instance: practicing honesty, now (11:1); choosing the right friends, now (12:26); living with integrity, now (13:6); having good judgment, now (13:15); speaking wisely, now (14:3).

Praise & Shine: Making Peace With Trouble

Sometimes we avert one crisis, solve one problem, pay off one big bill, only to face another. Sometimes those troubles are much bigger than an engine self-destructing: such as an unexpected diagnosis, an untimely death, a terrible loss.

In those moments, we yearn for a world less broken, less full of trouble. That world, Jesus promised, is coming. But not yet: Jesus reminded His disciples in John 16 “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world” (v. 33).

Troubles small and large may dog our days. But Jesus’ promise of a better tomorrow with Him encourages us not to let our troubles define our lives today.