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Waste disposal altered due to COVID

The fallout related to COVID-19 extends even into the waste disposal industry. In a release issued yesterday, Hardin County Government stated they are changing their guidelines related to trash disposal. Items should be placed in a garbage bag, tightly closed, and should be placed in a garbage receptacle. Crews have been instructed not to pick up loose debris or bags. Residents wishing to dispose of large or bulk items can take them directly to Pearl Hollow landfill.

Bardstown Police arrest murder suspect

On Tuesday, the Bardstown Police Department was called for a trespasser in the area of Stephen Foster. Officers engaged a male suspect, identified as Joseph Cahoe. Cahoe stated to officers that he had killed his roommate at 525 North Second Street. Officers responded to the residence and did, in fact, find a deceased male. Cahoe faces charges of murder. The case is ongoing.

HCS need meal payment help

Hardin County Schools has announced that they need help from the community in order to continue providing meals to those in need. The district announced in March that they were accepting donations in order to help pay for meals for those who could not get them for free. However, due to the high demand, those funds have now run dry and more donations are needed. Donations to the meal fund can be made at by clicking on the Donate tab.

Beshear urges focusing on what you can control

In his evening press conference last night, Governor Andy Beshear confirmed 93 new cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth, bringing the total number of cases to 680. In addition, two more deaths were announced, a 60-year-old male from Davis County and a 76-year-old female from Hopkins County. The Governor stressed the importance of continuing social distancing and not travelling out of state, noting that this was the one thing in this situation that citizens can control. The Governor also touched on the surge in unemployment claims, saying that officials are working to fix problems brought on by the influx. In addition, the National Guard is being called into action in order to assist Kentucky’s food banks in distributing food during this time.