Two Louisville women have been arrested after allegedly stealing hundreds of dollars of merchandise from a local hardware store. According to arrest records, Devriesha Britt and Raynette Martinez were observed by Lowes loss prevention concealing several pieces of merchandise on April 6th before leaving the store without paying. Britt was also served with warrants stemming from previous shoplifting events in Bullitt and Jefferson County. Britt and Martinez were charged with engaging in organized crime, a Class C felony. Both are lodged in the Hardin County Detention Center.
Quicksie 98.3
Several area nursing homes and long term care facilities will be hosting a car parade today at 3 PM. In this show of support for residents and health care professionals, participants, while socially distancing in their own cars, will honk horns and make signs to spread love while remaining safe. The route will begin at the EABC ballpark, and will go through Kensington Center, Elizabethtown Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, and then Signature Healthcare of Elizabethtown. Residents will be at the windows of these facilities and socially distancing on the porch. Participants are asked to not leave their vehicles during this parade.
Kentucky State Police Post Four, as well as other posts in the state, are volunteering as drop-off points for personal protective equipment donations. Those with donations are asked to call the post for drop-off. These items will be donated to healthcare workers in the state to fight the spread of COVID-19.
In his evening press conference last night, Governor Andy Beshear announced that there are now at least 1,149 cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth. This was the single largest growth in cases in a single day, as 147 new cases were confirmed. In addition, seven new deaths were reported Tuesday, raising the state’s total to 65. Governor Beshear provided an update on actions being taken at long-term care facilities, as there have been 77 reported cases of COVID-19 including 55 residents, and 22 staffers as well as 11 deaths. Actions taken include the use of masks in the facility, as well as banning visitation in all but end-of-life situations. The Governor says there are 55 resident tests and 41 staff tests pending. The other concerns are in the Green River Correctional Complex, which has had 14 total cases including nine inmates and five staffers, and Western State Hospital, which has seen 13 cases, including nine patients and four staffers. Actions have been taken at both of these facilities in an effort to fight the spread of the virus.