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Faithful Friday – Stuart Jones from First Christian Church 4/10/20

Brian & Trisha talked with First Christian Church pastor, Stuart Jones, about Easter Sunday, how churches are creating online worship services and how church is not restricted to being in a building. 4/10/20

Hardin County announces trash collection changes

Trash collection around the area has seen a change. Hardin County Government has announced that all trash must be placed in a trash bag that is tied shut, and placed in a receptacle. In a statement, Hardin County Solid Waste Director Stephanie Givens said that the change was made in an effort to protect the health and safety of sanitation workers amid the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Givens also said that trash that is not bagged and placed in a can will not be picked up. Those with large items can still take them for drop-off at the Pearl Hollow Landfill.