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4/22/20- Attorney General Cameron warns about COVID-19 testing scams

With testing sites starting to increase around the Commonwealth, Attorney General Daniel Cameron is cautioning individuals about testing scams. In a PSA, Cameron explains that those seeking testing should contact their healthcare physician for testing information. Residents can also call their local health department to check the validity of a testing site. Fake testing sites should be reported to the Consumer Protection Hotline at 1-800-432-9257.

4/22/20- Kentucky State Police arrest Breckinridge County man after domestic incident

Kentucky State Police Post 4 arrested a Breckinridge County man after a domestic incident with his parents. According to arrest citations, officers were called to Pierce Mill Road in Constantine after an altercation between the parents and their son, Bradley Horn. Reportedly, Horn had flipped several items during the argument, and had begun yelling at his mother. When his father stepped in to intervene, Horn punched him in the face, causing swelling to his left eye. The parents left the residence, but Horn followed, throwing items including a machete out of the home. Horn fired a rifle into the ground in front of the two when his mother attempted to call police. The parents left the residence to get away from Horn, but when they returned, he left the residence, returning to collect different items. Horn was arrested and charged with wanton endangerment and assault. He was lodged in the Hardin County Detention Center.