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5/19/2020- Lincoln Trail Health Department distributing masks

As more businesses begin to reopen, local health department officials are doing what they can to make the reopening phase as safe as possible. It was announced Monday that health departments around the region will begin distributing cloth face masks to workers within the food service and distribution industries. Lincoln Trail District Health Department spokesperson Terrie Burgen says the masks will be given out by environmental staff at the health department during routine food inspections. Restaurants are scheduled to open to in-person traffic on Friday with a restriction on capacity indoors.

5/19/2020- Governor update

In his evening press conference last night, Governor Andy Beshear announced that there are 7,935 cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth. Of these cases, 122 were confirmed on Sunday, and 138 were confirmed on Monday. It is believed that 2,785 Kentuckians have recovered from the virus, however there were twelve new deaths over the last two days, bringing the state’s total to 346. As the state begins to attempt to safely reopen, Governor Beshear calls contact tracing the key to making it happen. The Governor reiterated that every step would be taken to protect the privacy of Kentuckians. Those who are contacted by health care workers will be notified that they may have been exposed to COVID-19, and are given instructions to follow in order to help stop the spread.

5/18/2020- Attorney General and Agriculture Commissioner look into meat industry

As the demand for meat continues to grow, Kentucky’s Attorney General and Agriculture Commissioner are asking for the assistance of the Department of Justice to investigate possible price fixes on beef. In a joint letter to US Attorney General William Barr, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron and Agriculture Commisioner Ryan Quarles urge the Department of Justice to investigate possible anti-competitive practices within the beef packing industry. In their letter, the two called attention to the fact that Kentucky farmers are allegedly being paid less for the product, even as the demand for beef continues to increase. The letter asks the Department of Justice to conduct a study on the current economic status inside the cattle industry to see if anti-competitive practices are in fact taking place.