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Unique tick found in Eastern Kentucky

A unique species of ticks have made their way to Kentucky.

The Asian Longhorned Tick is drawing attention after being found in Eastern Kentucky. Experts, like UK Horticulturalist Amy Aldenderfer says the tick can produce “clones” of itself on animals, allowing it to exponentially increase its group size. Aldenderfer says it’s important to note that the tick has only been located in medcalf county. But, she says concerned residents can bring suspected samples to the extension office, where they can be sent off for analysis. Aldenderfer says the tick can affect livestock and other animals if not found.

KSP spots stolen vehicle and recovers it in 3 minutes

One lane of I-65 northbound was shut down Tuesday as officials worked to recover a stolen vehicle.

Earlier that day, officials say that Matthew Noe stole a white pickup from an Upton IGA parking lot. Trooper Scotty Sharp says troopers quickly spotted the stolen vehicle and pursued Noe. Noe eventually stopped near the Western Kentucky Parkway interchange, leaving the vehicle stranded. After searching for nearly an hour, troopers discovered Noe hiding on Springfield Road. Noe was charged with fleeing and evading, theft by unlawful taking over $10,000, as well as other charges. He was lodged in the Hardin County Detention Center.