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Breckinridge County changes Return to School date

After Governor Andy Beshear recommended schools not begin in person instruction until the third week of August, Breckinridge County Schools has made a change to their school calendar. The district announced Friday that students would now be returning on August 25th.

Superintendent Nick Carter says that the district will continue to monitor the COVID-19 situation as the beginning of the school year approaches, and will make adjustments if necessary.

Space X astronauts return from ISS

Yesterday, it was history in the Gulf of Mexico off the coast of Florida. For the first time in 45 years, a U.S. Space capsule landed in a splash down, this time returning home Space X astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Benhken. This was the completion of Space X’s first full test flight to space. The two astronauts spent the last two months in space aboard the International Space Station. More missions to the space station are planned for the near future.

Virtual Gold Rush

Fort Knox Spouses and Community Club is having a Virtual Gold Rush since they were not able to have our traditional Gold Rush last March. All donated baskets will be auctioned off online, including a bottle of Pappy. The auction begins Aug. 6 and ends Aug. 16.