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EIS rolls out online registration for upcoming year

The beginning of the 2020-21 school year is already looking to be unlike anything Kentuckians have seen before. Even with the uncertainty, Elizabethtown Independent School District is making registration easier in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Monday, the district began offering online registration for all new and returning students.

Superintendent Kelli Bush said information such as transportation needs and contact information will be updated through this online registration portal this year. Registration can be done under the Parents and Students Tab on the Elizabethtown Independent Website.

Tickets for E’town Wine Fest go on sale

The Elizabethtown Wine Festival, which is scheduled to take place this September, now has their tickets on sale. 

City Events Manager Sarah Vaughn says pre-sale tickets are $20, which includes the tasting, and $10 for those not taking part in any tastings.

Vaughn says that social distancing will be required at the event, which is slated to be held at Freeman Lake Park. The pre-sale tickets can be purchased through the City of Elizabethtown webpage.