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All Kentucky State Troopers To Be Equipped With Body Camera By The End Of The Year

All Kentucky State Police will be equipped with body cameras by the end of 2023. Last week, the Kentucky State Police demonstrated the new system which includes a body worn camera, audio recording device and high-definition in-car video cameras. The in-car cameras will record a forward dash view and the rear passenger compartment of the patrol vehicle. KSP plans to have the systems in all cruisers by the end of 2023, beginning with newly issued cruisers first and the Troopers assigned to those will receive their body camera at that time.

Magnolia Bank Announces Branch Closure Plans

Magnolia Bank will announce today plans to close its banking center in Magnolia. According to a statement from Magnolia Bank, the center located at 4910 L&N Turnpike, will begin a phased closing starting on February 1st with new, reduced hours. Bank Board Chair Eric Garrett said closing the location was not a decision made lightly but a decline in walk-in transactions, staffing challenges and increased use of online and mobile banking options were top factors in the decision. Once the banking center closes, those employees will have the opportunity to continue working at a different location.