As previously reported, Hardin County Judge Executive Keith Taul has made some changes to the Fiscal Court meetings. Taul moved the start time of the meetings from 3:30PM to 5:30PM to encourage citizens to become active in local government by holding the meeting after work hours. Taul also added time to the agenda to allow for citizen comments and concerns as related to items on the agenda. On Tuesday night, a citizen brought a concern before Taul and the Magistrates. But what happens with these concerns and comments once they are made at the meeting? We reached out to Taul’s office for clarification. According to Deputy Judge Executive Vicki Meridith, Judge Taul will have the discretion to determine if an item is considered actionable and what the best course of action would be. Citizens can expect to be contacted once action is taken with additional information. Fiscal Court meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month.
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Following the Denny’s sign tragedy that occurred one week ago, questions have been asked about maintenance and inspections to signs like it. Speaking to SignMakers of Hardin County, Eugene Lewis said routine maintenance and inspections after installation is a service that can be provided but the business would need to request that. In Hardin County, there are no regulations requiring the inspections of these signs once they are installed. “There is no municipal mandate requiring signs to be inspected. It is the responsibility of the entity exercising authority over the property to perform routine inspections and necessary maintenance,” stated Elizabethtown Spokesperson Chris Denham. The investigation into the incident is ongoing.