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Let’s Talk About Bugs, Amy! 3/1/23

Hardin County Extension Agent Amy Aldenderfer talks Asian Lady Beetles, Stink Bugs and Ticks. Also, the last Winter Market for season is Saturday, March 4th.
Anyone interested in submitting ticks for a study in Kentucky can find out details here:

Hardin County Clerk Discusses State Voter Roll Purge

Hardin County Fiscal Court held their regularly scheduled meeting last night. Hardin County Clerk Brian Smith presented information from his office including a report concerning the State Board of Elections purge of Kentucky’s voter rolls. “The Secretary of State’s office, working with the State Board of Elections, purged outdated voters off of the list. They use a process to remove voters who have died, voters who have moved. They reached out to those voters to try and make sure that no mistakes were made, but it’s possible. Hardin County went from 92,233 voters, our current registration is 86,554. If any voter is worried that they or someone they care about may have been removed by mistake, you can go to and you can check your registration at any time.” The next Fiscal Court meeting will be held on March 14 at 3:30 PM.