Over 60% of people surveyed say they’ve already done this this year?
Quicksie 98.3
On Wednesday, bridge work will require KY-313 to be reduced to one lane over Otter Creek between Ditto Lane and Fort Avenue in Meade County.“ Our contract company will be working on slabs of the bridge deck, jacking those, providing a smoother transition from asphalt roadway to the bridge and the slabs on the bridge.” shared spokesperson Chris Jessie. Work will take place during the day and travel lanes will be reopened at night. The repaving should be completed within three days.
Hardin County Fiscal Court held their regularly scheduled meeting last night. Both Hardin County Water Districts provided their annual presentations including financial reports, upcoming projects, community involvement and accolades. Hardin County Water District #2 also shared the impact of the BlueOval SK project on their capacities and demands for the next fifteen to twenty years. “So when we look at projected demand over the next twenty years, you know, without the project in Glendale, our projections show that we would be good through 2024. However, when you add the BlueOval SK project, and any growth that may occur from that, very quickly, the projected demand is above our current capacities. So that’s why we have a couple of projects in the pipeline here that we’re working on. One project will expand that capability of pumping from the Louisville connection, which allows us to take full advantage of the amount that they can provide to us from there now. But even with that in place we still fall short by 2029. So that’s why we signed the second contract with Louisville Water this past year,” stated Hardin County Water District #2 spokesperson Shaun Youravich. Even with the projects to expand pumping capability, the district has to make plans to address possible expansion again in the future to increase capacity through their Louisville connection. “We’ve actually looked beyond 2040 as well and have already had discussions with Louisville Water and have a plan in place for future growth as well. We’ll keep an eye on our projected demands and if we need to pull the trigger on that next phase sooner, that’s what we will do.” The next regularly scheduled meeting is scheduled for Tuesday April 25 at 5:30 PM.
The Radcliff Community Yard Sale is happening this Saturday. “Coming up on April 15 will be our city yard sale that we have in the City Hall parking lot. That’s on a first come, first serve basis. We open the gates at 7:30 AM. You come in and set up. We block all traffic and all cars out of the area by 9:00 AM and we’ll go till about 1:00 PM. People come in, shop and make some deals with your community neighbors,” said Radcliff Parks and Recreation Director Tim Jeffries. More information can be found on the City of Radcliff Facebook page.