Quicksie 98.3
The Elizabethtown City Council held its regularly scheduled work session meeting last night. “Nellie Thomas with Mission Hope for Kids, which is now Hope Academy, came and spoke. She went through, what they do and what their program looks like. Larry Vance spoke about the World War II Reenactment that will happen at the Nature Park and that’s going to be on May 27 and he has a full lineup of activities. Ed Poppe talked about some things we’re doing in-house, giving an overall capital projects kind of a wrap up because we’re heading into the end of the fiscal year,” shared City Of Elizabethtown Spokesperson Amy Inman. Inman also wanted to remind citizens that this is the last week for the Elizabethtown Spring Cleanup. “If you have appliances, you need to call Public Works to make an appointment for them to come pick those up but this is the last week of that. We have done several loads. We’re really trying to encourage everyone to be a good neighbor and to do the right thing. So if you have junk or debris laying around your house, go ahead and bring that up to the curb and our Public Works team will take care of that.” The next regularly scheduled meeting will be held on May 1.
The U.S. Army Human Resources Command will hold its eighth annual Raise The Bars Motorcycle Ride on April 26. “April is the Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month and it’s highlighted all across the U. S Army at all of our installations and globally. This is just one of many events that we’re highlighting over the month. We do this to bring awareness to sexual assault and harassment, but also to help protect our people with the prevention of sexual assault and harassment. The motorcycle ride is one of those events where we get to gather, we get to reaffirm our commitment to the prevention and the resources available to survivors,“ shared Public Affairs Officer, Lieutenant Colonel Ally Scott. HRC has 43 credentialed sexual assault victim advocates within its command who ensure that victims are made aware of local, regional and national support services. “The Chief of Staff of the Army, General James McConville, says we are all charged with setting conditions that enforce Army standards to prevent sexual offenses. Protecting our people is protecting our mission. We take that very seriously here at the Human Resources Command and across the Army. If we can create a happy health life balance here at work and at home, that is our goal with all of our service members and staff.” The event is open to the public and begins at 1:00 PM at the Human Resources Command on Fort Knox. The rain date is April 28.