Just over 9% of adults polled said they asked the government for this in 2019, what is it?
Quicksie 98.3
29% of teen girls polled said they did this in April, what is it?
A new scammer has hit the Hardin County Area. Elizabethtown police say they have received calls about a potential Driveway Sealing scam. The man was last need driving a white pick-up truck and his name is Pierre O’Hara. Officials say this same man is believed to have hit the New Albany area a few weeks ago. Anyone with information should contact law enforcement.
Pierce Street in Etown is closed today (4/24) due to utility installations for the sanitary sewer upgrade project by the Engineering Department. Detours are provided.
Students have the opportunity and financial options to attend summer classes in Etown. Visit Elizabethtown.kctcs.edu for Smarter Summer information.
The Way to Work program has yielded career opportunities and financial stability for 164 participants so far. Find ways to work by visiting unitedwayck.org
Marking vehicle tires with chalk prior to the owners’ exceeding public parking limits was declared unconstitutional this week. Law enforcement in the 6th U.S. District, including Kentucky, Ohio, and Tennessee are no longer permitted to chalk vehicle tires, in an effort to monitor citizens who may exceed the parking limit. In some areas of the 6th District, tire chalking was an activity use for raising revenue, rather than improving public safety.
Just over 74% of people said they usually throw this away without finishing it, what is it?
23% of couples surveyed say this is the most annoying thing their partner does, what is it?