Quicksie 98.3
The Hardin County Sheriff’s Office is seeking assistance in locating a wanted man. Raymond Harris is facing charges of trafficking in methamphetamine and being a persistent felony offender, with additional charges coming. Anyone with information as to Harris’s whereabouts is asked to call the Hardin County Sheriff’s Office or the Dispatch Center.
Elizabethtown Community and Technical College has created a Parents and Family Association for relatives of students of the college, keeping them informed about events on campus, and ways to assist students. This is a free membership that will provide its members a newsletter, regular communication, and a t-shirt. The first meeting will be on Thursday, January 9th at 6 PM in Room 212 of the Regional Postsecondary Center. More information can be found at elizabethtown.kctcs.edu.
Warm Blessings Soup Kitchen will be holding a celebration to honor Linda Funk’s contributions to the Kitchen. Funk, who announced her retirement in October, effectively stepped down from the role on December 31st. The celebration will be held at College Heights United Methodist Church on January 9th from 4-6 PM.
More than 1/2 of families surveyed use text messages to communicate this?
Shadrach Peeler, an Elizabethtown man who shot two people to death and injured two others earlier this year, has been deemed fit to stand trial. Peeler’s trial is scheduled for August 10th, 2020.
Charles Webb, CEO of the Lincoln Trial Behavioral Health System has announced his retirement effective today. Webb has led the team for 19 years, and has 45 years of experience in the behavioral health field as an administrator and CEO. During his tenure, Lincoln Trail Behavioral Health System successfully completed two Certificate of Need expansions, increasing bed capacity from 77 to 140 beds. According to an official release from Lincoln Trail, Webb says that he plans to, “Increase time spent with… family and to indulge in reading and gardening.”
Fort Knox will be offering a fun way to get in shape on post with their 10,000 Steps Program. The program will allow citizens to explore the 16 miles of trails on Fort Knox. Cost is $5 per person per session. The program will meet every Tuesday in January, starting Tuesday, January 14th from 5:30-7:30 PM. More information can be found at knox.armymwr.com.