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COVID match service offered, EPD supports

Two citizens, Brandon Keith and Kaitlyn Edwards, have created what is being called a match program for those affected by COVID-19. This service pairs at risk citizens with citizens who are lower risk in order to receive assistance. Brandon can be reached by calling 502-822-6148 or Kaitlyn by 502-822-6515, or those in need of assistance or who want to volunteer can visit All volunteers will be vetted by the Elizabethtown Police Department.

HMH taking steps to offer childcare

After Governor Andy Beshear ordered all child care facilities closed effective last Friday, Hardin Memorial Health have taken steps to help provide childcare for their employees. This came after the organization realized they would need some type of help for their employees who have children. The foundation hopes to partner with local childcare facilities to provide this opportunity. The process of getting the necessary partnerships will be starting today.

Hardin Memorial Health establishes temporary respiratory clinic

In the wake of the first positive cases of COVID-19 in Hardin County, Hardin Memorial Health have announced that they have established a temporary respiratory health clinic for potential COVID-19 patients. Located at 1004 Woodland Drive, the clinic saw its first patient on Friday, March 20. The clinic has been specially outfitted as a drive thru for referred patients experiencing respiratory symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath. While isolated in their vehicle, the patient will be registered, triaged, tested, and seen by a physician or advanced practice clinician. The clinic will only be available to those referred by an area physician or via the HMH Patient Symptom Hotline. Doctor Thomas Hustead, Medical Director for HMH Medical Group, said of the clinic, “We want to provide the best care possible without overwhelming hospital functions. I cannot say thank you enough to the physicians, advanced practice clinicians, nurses, and staff who are working to care for clinic patients during these unprecedented times.”