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Furever Friends #250

We have lots to cover this week so we will only be featuring one dog, Prancer. Prancer is the shelter’s second longest resident so we want to find him a good home soon. We have been doing Furever Friends since 2017 and have featured 470 animals. Of them, we have helped adopt 469!

You can fill out your adoption application online at: or donate directly to the shelter at:

FOHCAS is offering straw vouchers to keep outdoor pets warm, and the shelter will be holding their first rabies clinic of the year.

Furever Friends brought to you by Pet Supplies Plus on Towne Drive in Elizabethtown.

Furever Friends #250

We have lots to cover this week so we will only be featuring one dog, Prancer. Prancer is the shelter’s second longest resident so we want to find him a good home soon. We have been doing Furever Friends since 2017 and have featured 470 animals. Of them, we have helped adopt 469!

You can fill out your adoption application online at: or donate directly to the shelter at:

FOHCAS is offering straw vouchers to keep outdoor pets warm, and the shelter will be holding their first rabies clinic of the year.

Furever Friends brought to you by Pet Supplies Plus on Towne Drive in Elizabethtown.

Come Together // Praise Shine

Over the last few years, circumstances have required us to worship in different ways. Many Christians today opt to stay at home in their pajamas and stream their church services while they sit on the couch. And why not? 

God has created us for community and friendships. The friendships and relationships we create with our church families are a blessing that allows us to do more for God’s Kingdom.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews‬ ‭10‬:‭24‬-‭25

The enemy has used the last few years to isolate us. Like a predator on the hunt, the easy target is the one separated from the herd. We live in discouraging times, so the more godly relationships we can have to remind us that we are not alone in our faith, the better. 

We are called to love God, and love people. 

“Jesus went through all the towns and villages, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom and healing every disease and sickness. When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.'” Matthew 9:35-38

We are the workers in the field and what we have been called to do is even more important now because the task is not as easy as it once was. But through our relationship with Christ as the Head, we who are His hands and feet can accomplish this vital work. 

It’s time to come together again as a church body, encouraging one another and spreading the Good News. The time is short but the harvest is plentiful. 

What’s on the Menu? // Showtime

Last weekend at the box office
Plane $10.3M
A Man Called Otto $12.8M
Puss in Boots: The Last Wish $14.5M
M3GAN $18.3M
Avatar: The Way of Water $32.8M

New to theaters
Missing PG-13

New to streaming
JUNG_E Netflix

New to Blu-ray and DVD
The Menu R
Till PG-13
My Life is Murder Series 3

Grab some popcorn, pull up a seat and enjoy the show!

Furever Friends #249

This week we will meet Neo and Beetle, two new animals hoping to find a new home. Since 2017 we have talked about 469 pets and adopted out 467! If you would like to find out more about what the shelter does you can visit their website at You can also find them on facebook at hardincountyanimalshelterky.

You can fill out your adoption application online at: or donate directly to the shelter at:

Furever Friends brought to you by Pet Supplies Plus on Towne Drive in Elizabethtown.