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Showtime with Scott 30

Opening today is “Brahms: The Boy 2”. Also, at theaters now is “The Call of The Wild” starring Harrison Ford. Up next Is “Emma”, based on the classic novel.

On Blu-Ray and DVD this week is “A Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood” starring Tom Hanks as Mr. Rogers, “Midway” featuring an all-star cast,
and “21 Bridges”.

See you at the movies!


Praise & Shine 30 – Unimaginable

Bart Millard penned a megahit in 2001 when he wrote, “I Can Only Imagine.” The song pictures how amazing it will be to be in the presence of Jesus Christ. Millard’s lyrics offer such comfort to those who have suffered the loss of a loved one, but the song also reminds us to imagine what it must be like in God’s presence.

Crime Stoppers 28

This week on Crime Stoppers we are looking for any information on the location of Jaclyn Michel Dan, a 55 year old white female with a last know address in Elizabethtown. Anyone with any information on Miss Dan’s location should call Hardin County Crime Stoppers at 1-800-597-8123.