The Elizabethtown City Council held their regularly scheduled meeting last night. The Council adopted a resolution to update the hazard mitigation and flood mitigation plan. The Council also heard and adopted municipal orders to award two contracts for projects in the city. The first order awarded the Freeman Lake South End improvements. “This contract with Scotty’s will have them start the site preparation work. So they will get the area ready for the playground. They will get the area ready for the pavilions and the restrooms and the parking areas. Then the playground contractor will come in and they will finish the site with the playground. Scotty’s then does all the trails and all the parking lot paving. We will have separate contracts for the tennis courts and the pavilion,” stated City Administrator Ed Poppe. The contract for the playground construction was awarded to Miracle Playgrounds Of Kentucky And Tennessee which is the same company that brought Funtopia to the city. The other contract that was heard and adopted awarded the Fire Station #4 to RBS Design Group which was the company that did Fire Station #2. During public comments, Bryton Hawkins asked the Council to explore the possibility of a municipal composting facility. “What I’m here to talk about today is, I believe that our city needs a municipal composting facility set up. The main reason I want this is for farmers to have a reliable source for clean compost. Another reason is, I filed a FOIA request with the landfill. It is currently emitting 2000 tons of methane. I believe that could be mitigated with a composting setup.” Mayor Jeff Gregory said it was a great idea and something to look at. The next City Council meeting will be a work session held on April 24.
Elizabethtown City Council Approves Municipal Orders, Hears Request For Composting Facility