The Hodgenville Police Department responded to a call at Creekfront Park Monday afternoon for a medical emergency. “We responded to Creekfront Park yesterday on a medical issue call. An individual juvenile male had been playing basketball with some friends. One of these other individuals offered him a vape which he took a hit off of and immediately started having adverse effects. We have seen this multiple times in recent months.We call it an overdose which technically is – it’s not an overdose that’s going to kill you, for about two three hours, it’s pretty tumultuous for the victims. So his friends left and when his family got there he was lying next to the basketball court, called an ambulance and they took him to BHH (Baptist Health Hardin)for treatment,” stated Hodgenville Police Chief James Richardson. Police want to remind citizens that if they witness someone overdosing, they need to call 911 immediately. There are laws that prohibit arresting those who report overdoses. “The biggest issue we saw was that the friends left. We want to remind everybody if you are partaking in illegal substances and somebody happens to overdose, call for help. Do not let them lay there and die. If this had been anything else or had been laced with something else, things could have ended very badly.” Hodgenville Police and Larue County Schools will be hosting an information session on the dangers of vapes on Thursday. “We are going to be part of the Larue County High School’s vaping and its impacts on youth mental health forum on Thursday, March 23rd at 5:30 to 7:00 to talk about this very thing. With the rise in Delta 8 vapes in the area and the fact that they’re often found inside the high schools and the middle schools. We’re actually going to start talking to some folks and try to get the word out. So this is open to the public and it’ll be at the auditorium at Larue County High School. Thursday, March 23rd 5:30 to 7:00 PM.” The Superintendents of Larue County Schools, Elizabethtown Independent Schools and Hardin County School published a letter recently about concerns with the rise in vape use among juveniles in their districts and asked businesses in the area to aid in the fight to keep vapes away from minors.
Hodgenville Police Respond To Vape OD At Park, Will Discuss Dangers Of Vapes To Minors At Forum Thursday