The Annual Elizabethtown Lions Club Pancake Breakfast is tomorrow morning.”This Saturday will be our annual pancake breakfast, it’s one of our larger fundraisers. We hope you can join us from 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM at the Elizabethtown High School. We will have pancakes, scrambled eggs and sausage. You can get a ticket by seeing a Lion Member, go to our Facebook page or simply just be at the door Saturday morning and we would be glad to have you,” says event spokesperson Mary Morrison. The Lions Club will also be hosting a blood drive during the event. “We are also, with our pancakes, doing a blood drive with the Kentucky Blood Center. We’re excited to partner with them and donate back locally and hope that you can enjoy your pancakes and donate some blood,” shares blood drive chairperson Taylor Blimline. For more information or to get the link to register to donate blood, visit the Elizabethtown Lions Club Facebook page.
Annual Pancake Breakfast Takes Place In Elizabethtown Tomorrow