Barry Howard spent part of his weekend doing what he loves doing: giving back to the community. On Saturday, Howard treated the Elizabethtown Police Department to a cookout at the station, in an effort to let the officers know the community is still there for them.
“I’m targeting the police department because people are down on them, and they’re fighting a losing battle right now in my eyesight,” Howard said. “So I’m going to go down there and make them feel wanted, make them feel loved, and show them something.”
Howard says he was inspired to put on the event based on all the recent news coverage involving police.
Howard travels around the area cooking for individuals and groups as part of an outreach ministry headed by him called Barry’s Mission. Volunteer’s of Barry’s Mission helped with setup and serving as part of the event.
Officer Chris Denham says that while the law enforcement profession is going through hard times nationally, that’s not the case on a local level.
“The citizens we serve are absolutely our most valuable asset, and we are beyond grateful for them.”