In his evening press conference last night, Governor Andy Beshear announced that there are at least 1,452 cases of COVID-19 in the Commonwealth. Of these cases, 134 were newly confirmed. Also of these cases, 395 have recovered from the virus. However, there were also six new deaths reported on Thursday, bringing the state’s total to 79. In terms of new orders, Governor Beshear made the decision to close Natural Bridge and Cumberland Falls State Resort parks due to concerns related to public gathering. The Governor stresses not using resort parks for socializing or gatherings, or else others will have to be closed as well. In addition, Governor Beshear has expanded the number of workers who can receive workers compensation if they are ordered to be quarantined. This includes military, active National Guard, child-care workers, grocery store workers, domestic violence shelter workers, corrections officers, postal workers, and Department of Community Based Services workers.
Governor Beshear closes two state parks