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Hack Of The Week: Cookies

Want to bake the best homemade cookies? Here are some easy hacks that are proven to work:

  • Bake cookies in muffin tins instead of cookie sheets to make them perfectly round in shape.
  • For chewier cookies, add powdered pudding mix to your dough.
  • You can also make cookies chewier by using bread flour instead of all-purpose flour.
  • Substitute mayonnaise for butter and eggs.
  • For a deeper, nuttier flavor, add malted milk to your dough.

Most Rewatched Show

What is the #1 TV show you rewatch the most?

I am always looking for a good suggestion. My wife and I recently finished watching the Sci-Fi remake of Battlestar Galactica and have moved onto Lost.

A recent survey revealed what others are watching.

  1. Community
  2. New Girl
  3. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
  4. The Simpsons
  5. The Newsroom
  6. Friends
  7. Friday Night Lights
  8. The Office
  9. Mad Men
  10. Entourage
  11. Parks & Recreation